CoVocis is...
A downloadable smartphone app. It is for people who are stressed, struggling and suffering because of another person who is troubled by substance problems, mental health problems, or other difficult life issues.
CoVocis enables its users to connect and communicate with others who are sharing similar struggles, share experiences, look for answers/information and seek support to cope, care and help.
CoVocis is Unique, Understandable, Usable, Useful.

CO - Caring Other
PAM – Person Affecting Me
STEW – Shared Thoughts, Experience, Wisdom

CoVocis connects you to people who are trying to cope with the negative impact that another person is bringing to their lives.
CoVocis helps a “caring other” (CO) to cope with and care for another person who is troubled and troubling and affecting you. CoVocis calls that other person your PAM, an abbreviation for “Person Affecting Me”.
Someone else’s substance, mental health, life problems can stress, control and even ruin your life.
CoVocis helps you connect and share stories, thoughts, experiences and wisdom to help yourself…and ideally help your PAM.

CoVocis is based on the human reality that people best cope and survive by sharing thoughts, experiences, wisdom, support and resources. CoVocis connects people who are like you and going through what you are going through. We humans learn from each other! You learn from others. Others learn from you. Others can support you. You can support others. CoVocis believes in the value of collected human experience and wisdom.

The name CoVocis was chosen because “Co” means gathered and coordinated. “Vocis” is a Latin word for voice. These terms combine to mean “gathered voices”…of caring people.

CoVocis’ safety is like all things in life and on Earth. It depends on how it’s used. There is no intrinsic danger to CoVocis. Like any interactive social connection, caution must be used to evaluate the people with whom you are interacting and the nature of your interaction. CoVocis has an alert flag and method to notify CoVocis of any illegal or disturbing process occurring on the app. You can also block connections that you find negative.
REMEMBER…CoVocis is not a medical device. CoVocis is not medical treatment and is not meant to replace any medical care or urgent intervention needed for the well-being or safety of anyone!

CoVocis is based upon the tried and true important value of human interaction and sharing of useful experiences and wisdom. These principles have been widely accepted as effective for accomplishing human change and progress. CoVocis users have consistently reported its value and effectiveness.

CoVocis was conceived of and created by a psychiatrist and several close professional associates with decades of personal involvement and experience in treatment of psychiatric, psychological, emotional, addiction and substance problems. These professionals continue to develop CoVocis in an ongoing basis. These professionals saw how one person’s troubles carried over into and caused pain in another person’s life. The stress, struggle and suffering seen in people trying to help and “get through'' another person’s problems is at the heart of CoVocis being created.

CoVocis was made to help anyone whose life is being negatively affected by another person’s substance use, mental health problems or life issues.

CoVocis helps by connecting you with peers and professionals, for sharing thoughts, experiences, wisdom, support and resources.

No. However, there may be premium components added in the future that will have a cost to use.


You have the very same special things that they can offer to you…Your Story. Your Experience. Your Wisdom.
Put your special Story and self into the CoVocis STEW (Shared Thoughts, Experiences, Wisdom). Engage in the treasure house of STEW Comments. If you want, you can privately Message people you select.
You bring...
  • Similar circumstances
  • Information
  • Support
  • Courtesy
  • Caring
  • What helps
  • What doesn’t help
  • Resources
  • Experience with professionals good and bad
  • Courage
CoVocis calls this HELP HOPE HEART.

  • is for the “caring other person”, the person who wants to help but suffers from being he secondary incidental casualty/victim of another person’s problems.
  • addresses ALL type problems: substance, mental health and life issues.
  • has expert input from experienced professionals.
  • is open to worldwide experiences and participation.
  • allows you to choose the people you identify with.
  • enables you to select the people you interact with.
  • is constantly available to you, 24/7.
  • offers a wide variety of human experiences and wisdom not available elsewhere.
  • enables opportunity to form mutually agreeable one-to-one connections with other individual COs.
  • gives the chance and choice to establish face-to-face relationships.

STARTING CoVocis - Basics Step by Step

  • Sign Up, Sign-In and Profile Info screens
  • STEW – the return landing “main” screen
  • + Add to STEW continue your story screen
  • Message screen
  • Notification screen

STEW stands for Shared Thoughts Experiences Wisdom.

Here is a SUMMARY of the key steps and functions:
1. First...Become a CoVocis Member by Registering.
2. Enter basic information about yourself to create your CoVocis Profile identity.
3. Enter information about your PAM (Person Affecting Me) whose issues are concerning and stressing you.
4. There are 5 main icon choices at the bottom of the iOS screen (tab bar):
Profile STEW + Message Notification
There are 5 main icon choices at the bottom of the Android screen (navigation bar):
Profile STEW + Message Activity
5. As you swipe the STEW pages left and right, you will see all the CoVocis Member Stories be told and unfold. You will see your own Story entries as you add them and Publish (post) them into STEW.
6. On the right side of each STEW page, you can tap an icon:
- to see that posting Member’s Profile,
- flag/report a concern (only in iOS)
- Message that posting Member privately
- Comment and see other Comments on that STEW post.
Tap the Message icon to message that Member. Once you Message them, that Member will appear on your list of CoVocis contacts when you tap the bottom Message icon. Their return Message confirms that you’ve become CoVocis Companions.
7. On the STEW page in iOS, there is a Menu icon in the upper left corner. Tap this to go to various Menu functions such as FAQ, Logout, etc.
8. On the STEW page:
In iOS, there is a Filter icon in the upper right corner.
In Android, the Filter icon is in the upper left corner.
On both versions, tap the Filter icon and you can select and “filter out” Member Stories that are of most interest and importance to you.
9. Tap the big + icon in the bottom center to Add to STEW. You can add whatever you wish, as often as you wish, to expand and continue to “tell your Story”. Tap and type your continued Story in the box. Max of 300 characters is counted down in upper left corner. Choose a background color. You are the only one that can add to your Story. Tap Publish to post your story/entry into STEW. Your entry is then posted and becomes visible in STEW to CoVocis Members. Your Story entries become available to other CoVocis Members and you will be able to see other Member’s published Story entries.
10. Tap any Member’s Profile pic in STEW to see their info and their PAM’s info. (Remember, PAM stands for their Person Affecting Me). Tap PAM’s Problems to see further info on their PAM’s issues.
In iOS, tap Stories to see a grid with all the STEW posts from that Member. In Android, just scroll down to see all of that Member’s Story posts.
11. Tap Profile in iOS or Android bottom bar to edit your Profile data and see your grid of Story entries. You can delete any entries of your STEW Story by tapping the little “trash can” icon.
12. Tapping the Message icon at the bottom of any page lets you see all your Companions for quick Messaging. CoVocis believes that one-to-one communication is the most secure. CoVocis does not have a “group messaging function”. Discussion threads can occur in STEW Comments.
13. Notifications are sent to anyone that you Message or Comment to in STEW. You will receive a Notification when you get a CoVocis Message or receive a Comment/Reply to your posts.

No, you don’t have to contribute to STEW.
But STEW is where all CoVocis Members will find your Profile and your ongoing Story, input and issues. This gives people the chance to Message you and possibly become one of your Companion to you and your efforts.
Interactive Comments and Replies in STEW make for great interaction, discussion and ongoing collective thoughts, experiences and wisdom.

CoVocis uses the term “Caring person”, or CO for short, to mean the person who is affected, stressed, struggling, suffering due to a troubled/troubling person. The CO is impacted by another person that we call the “Person Affecting Me’ or PAM. The CO is deeply affected by PAM’s life issues.
Almost always, the CO cares about or even loves the PAM. CO’s lives are frequently controlled and ruined by the disturbed, troubled, afflicted PAM.

You are! That's why you’re here on CoVocis. You are being negatively affected by another person. You are concerned and care about another person, your “Person Affecting Me” (PAM). You are stressed, struggling, suffering. We want you to care about yourself!

Your PAM is the troubled/troubling person in your life who is affecting you. CoVocis uses the term PAM to mean the person that you are trying to help or just cope and deal with. A PAM can be someone who abuses substances, is addicted, has psychiatric, psychological, emotional or thinking problems, does not effectively deal with life issues, or is overwhelmed with problems and challenges of living.
Often your troubled PAM may not acknowledge that they are troubled but they can be quite a “troublesome person” to people involved with them, especially you.

Tell enough about your PAM to best explain the circumstances that you are trying to deal with.

No. But remember, it is the tremendous power of human connection that helps most people deal best with life’s challenges.
Messaging is a great way you establish your private CoVocis Companions.

No. But it’s a good idea to ask yourself why you’re not responding. You may have something very important to help them or let them help you.

In iOS, go to the Profile of the Member you want to block. Tap the Block icon in upper right corner. You can then confirm the Block and add a note. You can unblock at a later time if you choose.

ANYTIME! ALL THE TIME! Add however much you wish to say. Writing your ongoing story is quite important and helps you to understand things more clearly. It also gives other people a chance to know you, learn from you and help you when you Publish / post it to the STEW.
Your Profile Info is just the very basics of your story. Your first additions to your story in STEW are a great place to tell key important things about you not captured in your simple Profile Info. Then, expand on your story as much as you want to help yourself and others.

Your “Add to STEW” story can be whatever you want it to be.
Tell it the best you can. Express yourself. Be open. Be honest.
Your story is as limitless as you are.
Here is a list of some things for you to write about:
  • The best thing I did to help the situation was...
  • The worst thing I did to hurt the situation was...
  • My biggest surprise in trying to deal with my PAM…
  • What is my “end point… all I can stand…all I can take/will take”?
  • How did you first realize things were trouble? Then seriously troubled? Why?
  • I’m really confused about…
  • My turning point was…
  • How long have you seen things as a problem?
  • Is your PAM looking for help? From you?
  • Why doesn’t your PAM “get it”, catch on to things?
  • Are you “getting taken” financially by your PAM?
  • How dangerous/risky are the circumstances? Are you responding to the risks?
  • Family history? Did you grow up around these kinds of problems?
  • Have you ever gone through what your PAM is now going through?
  • What do you fear and worry most about the situation?
  • How have you sought help so far?
  • How are you dealing with your anger, sadness, fears? Their anger, sadness, fears?
  • Are friends helping you? How? Why not?
  • How do you approach your PAM? Kindness, understanding, criticism, anger, suggestions, demands?
  • How does your PAM respond to you?
  • What is your PAM most sensitive to/about?
  • Do you love your PAM?
  • Does your PAM love you?
  • Who has most influence on PAM? Why? How?
  • Who has most influence on you? Why? How?
  • What makes you feel helpless/ hopeless, ready to give up?
  • How does your PAM’s age affect how you deal with them?
  • The turning point in my relationship with my PAM was…
  • I came to CoVocis because…
  • The point I knew I needed support was…
  • I need help right now with…
  • I am here on CoVocis to…
  • The best way to communicate with my PAM is…
  • The worst way to communicate with my PAM is…

In iOS, simply use delete key or Select the content and tap delete function to erase. In Android, tap the Back icon to delete entire entry.

They are the countdown to show you how close you are to the 300 character limit.

It is the Menu icon. It can take you to FAQ, About, Logout and Privacy/Terms etc.

It is the Filter icon. Tap it and choose the characteristics of the Stories in STEW that interest you and relate to you.

You and all Members can Comment on any STEW post. Tap the Comment bubble and enter your comment in the bottom “Comment here…” box and then tap the send icon.
Other Members can then Reply to your Comment.
You can Reply to other Comments.
This Comment / Reply process enables an interactive thread to occur.
You will receive a notification when your STEW post receives Comments and Replies.

It allows you to choose the Stories and people on CoVocis that you think apply best to you and will help you most. There are various factors that you can apply to all the CoVocis Member Stories and “filter out” the ones you choose to see.

Tap the Filter icon in STEW (iOS upper right corner/Android upper left corner) Select from the various characteristics of the Member and their PAM that interest you or apply best to you. Tap Apply. You can tap Reset and begin a different Filter selection. Search as often as you wish to find the best Companions.

USING CoVocis - More Info

A CoVocis Companion is a CoVocis Member that you choose to have ongoing one-to-one personal interaction with. You are in complete control of who you choose, what is shared between you, and how long the interaction lasts. You can cease a Companion interaction at any time you choose. It is a mutual relationship.

Most often, it will be because of common factors in your Stories. Similar issues draw people together. But, you may also find certain CoVocis Members who offer valuable experiences, wise thoughts, good advice and trustworthiness without being very much like you and your situation. As with any companion, TRUST is essential. Keep an open mind. Explore CoVocis as thoroughly as you can looking for your best connections, the best Companions for you.

You Message that person and see if they respond. Once they respond and accept your interaction, that makes you CoVocis Companions.

You can read about any Member by finding their story posts in STEW. Swipe through STEW. Every STEW screen that you swipe to (except your own) has the Member Profile pic on the right side of screen. Tap the Member’s pic to access their Profile info. In Android, scroll down to read all of their added STEW entries. In iOS, tap Stories to see all their STEW entries. Check out their PAM’s Problems. You can also Message that Member from their Profile page. Tap Message. Once you Message a Member, they will appear on your Message roster list of CoVocis Members.

On the Message screen, tap a message from them and then tap their pic and name at the top of the screen. Their Profile will appear. Tap Stories in iOS or just scroll down in Android to see all their STEW entries.

CoVocis Messaging does not have group Messages. CoVocis sees great value in the private one-to-one Message communication. Individual focus and privacy can be lost in groups. But, STEW allows and urges group interaction using the Comment function for conversational threads on any STEW entry,

There likely may be Members of CoVocis who are “professionals”. It would be up to them to identify themselves as such.
The psychiatrist and other professionals who developed and remain involved in CoVocis may contribute through STEW, Team CoVocis or Messages. They will identify those contributions and comments.

Very often a person is stressful and affects you because of their personality, attitudes and habits. CoVocis STEW can help you deal with troubled, troublesome, bothersome people of any type.

Protect your privacy as best you choose. Alter your name, other names, or any other data that discloses information you wish to keep secret.
You can tell your Story and also keep your privacy.
Also, remember that countless people share your struggles. Embarrassment is unfair to yourself. (ALWAYS PROTECT PRIVACY AS YOU CHOOSE. SEE PRIVACY POLICY.)

ABSOLUTELY. Discuss CoVocis with any involved professionals with whom you have a professional relationship.

No. CoVocis will communicate to you only in ways that you have agreed to/authorized.

Carefully check and read all of our FAQ that might help.
Please contact us about your issue/question/problem at support@covocis.com or...
Message Team CoVocis in your CoVocis app.
We want to help you and make your CoVocis experience as positive as possible.

CoVocis is a very unique niche social media app that is created for caring people we call Caring Others or CO who are stressed, struggling, suffering because of another person’s substance problems, mental health problems, life problems.
CoVocis offers:
  • Focus on the CO’s wellbeing
  • Attention to issues with substance problems AND mental health problems AND living life problems
  • Unlimited sources of information and potential answers
  • Positive interactive relationships with other chosen COs
  • Access to local and distant input peers and info
  • Empathic support from varied other COs
  • Shared thoughts, experiences, wisdom, support and resources
  • Opportunity to form mutually agreeable one-to-one connections with other individual COs.
  • Worldwide collection of Members
  • Potential for face-to-face contact with your chosen CO
  • Information, including ratings of treatment providers, facilities, treatments, medications
  • Education
  • Advice / Suggestions / Answers / Information
  • Potential for worldwide support, information and relationships
  • Possible intervention strategies
  • COs can include people with current and past substance, addiction and mental problems of their own for a unique perspective and “inside info”.
  • Professional expertise
  • Consistent input and influence from a Board-Certified Psychiatrist and Addictionologist and other treatment professionals
  • Interactions with groups of real-life COs and PAMs
  • Ongoing input and development influence from psychiatrists, addictionologists, psychologists, counselors, crisis specialists

ABSOLUTELY…and we hope that you find it valuable. CoVocis was developed by professionals based on their work and life experiences. We see CoVocis to be a unique and useful adjunctive resource for your professional services.
We would be especially interested in its impact on your efforts and services and your feedback to us.